Over 50 years ago, a small group of artisans came together through their joy and enthusiasm for the creation of handmade crafts. As interest and membership grew, they formed the Torrance Craftsmen’s Guild as an organization chartered by the City of Torrance in California.
Many Guild members sell their handcrafted items to the public at two annual events in the Fall and Spring.
The original purpose of the Guild was, and still is today, to promote the interest of arts and crafts in the local community. It has expanded to reward individuals for their endeavors in the world of arts and crafts by providing scholarships to high school senior students within the Torrance Unified School District. These two events raise the funds needed to support the scholarships.
Our Spring Fundraiser with See’s Candies is live now! Click on the banner below to navigate to our online store.
All profits go towards scholarships for Torrance High School seniors.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. If you would like more information on where or how to donate, please contact us at webmaster@torrancecraftsmensguild.org. Here are our By Laws: TCG By Laws February 2023
Christmas tree installed at Harbor/UCLA Medical Center. All ornaments were handmade by our members.
Crafts in the banner photo above, left to right:
Ceramics; Ruth Taira — Earrings; Lilia Stephenson — Bee Pendant; Melissa Turner — Quilts; Renee Saulney — Quilted Ornament; Robyn Wellman — Crocheted Blankets; Teresa Urquizo — Dichroic Glass Pendants; Anita Suggs