Torrance Craftsmen's Guild Members Click on the member’s name to visit their website or store. Click on the social media icons to visit their pages. Pat Burns Instagram Krista D'Angelo Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Heidi Bartlett Facebook-f Instagram Janice Fetto-Pace Facebook-f Donna Gary Facebook-f Instagram MaryAnn Groark Flickr Laura Helm Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Masako Boissonnault Facebook-f Instagram CherylBernardin Facebook-f Jill Hills Instagram Josie Jentes Facebook-f Angela Jackson Facebook-f Instagram Linda Jensen Instagram Wendy Lee Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Brenda Loomis Facebook-f Instagram Lily Mihailovic Instagram Estela & Nelida Moll Facebook-f Instagram Gia Neil Facebook-f Instagram Lynette Rogers Facebook-f Renee Saulney Facebook-f Doreen Sato Facebook-f Instagram Marilyn Ryder Facebook Arisa Todoroki Facebook-f Melissa Turner Facebook-f Instagram Robin Tabar Facebook-f Robin Wellman Facebook-f Instagram Caroline Borunda Instagram “There is no greater joy in life than the joy of creating something.” Abhay Kumar Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Pinterest